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Converting Binary to Hexadecimal

You need to become VERY familiar with the patterns below:

Hex F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Binary 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 1001 1000 0111 0110 0101 0100 0011 0010 0001
Decimal 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

There is no easy way to remember the Hex to Binary conversions for A to F. You need to learn them so you can automatically write them down without thinking. Once you have learnt the A to F conversion the process of general conversion from Hex to Binary and back becomes very simple. (So learn them!!)

Binary to Hex

In the previous pages you converted a Hexadecimal number to Binary by expressing each Hex place as a Binary "quartet" (i.e. 4-bits). The process of converting from Binary to Hex uses the same 'quartet' approach, but in reverse.

Example 1. Consider Binary: 1000100100110111 (a 16-bit Byte)

STEP 1 Break the Byte into 'quartets' -  1000  1001  0011  0111

STEP 2 Use the table above to covert each quartet to its Hex equivalent - 8937

Therefore ... 1000100100110111 = 8937Hex


Example 2. Consider Binary 1111110001000001 (a 16-bit Byte)

STEP 1 Break the Byte into 'quartets' - 1111  1100  0100 0001

STEP 2 Use the table above to covert each quartet to its Hex equivalent - FC41

Therefore ... 1111110001000001 = FC41Hex


Example 3. Consider Binary 11010101 (an 8-bit Byte)

STEP 1 Break the Byte into 'quartets' - 1101  0101

STEP 2 Use the table above to covert each quartet to its Hex equivalent -  D5

Therefore ... 11010101 = D5Hex
