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Binary Finger Counting

binary fingers
fingers 0
   Note the hand on the left.
   Each finger is double the one to its right.
   The thumb represents the value 1, the index is double that, so it is 2, and the middle is double
     the index, so it is 4, etc.
   This is key to understanding the fluently counting in binary on your fingers.
   To make the number 3 for instance, you have to combine a 2 and a 1 finger
     which is the index and the thumb.

   We can count to 32 on one hand if we do not hold up any fingers and count
     zero as a number like most good Geeks would do.

   To print a word document of this page click HERE.

fingers 1-7
fingers 8-13
fingers 14-19
fingers 20-25
fingers 26-31
